The first project in 2017 is a smaller project, but important nontheless.
We used to have a lot of plastic food bowls, but during the months more and more bowls got broken and chewed up by the dogs. They needed to eat from the floor. Normally a dog can eat from the floor, but with many dogs walking around the floor is not clean enough and they will get sick. We do not have enough staff to clean all the floors 2 or more times a day either.
So this mini project is all about finding about 70 stainless steel food bowls for the dogs.

That was a picture of the food bowls and also a find the puppy challenge.
Total estimated costs for this project: estimated costs for a bowl is 50 Baht (we have to confirm), 70×50=3500 Baht, which is about 100 Euro and in USD a 10% more.
Update 15 January 2017: We received donations, which should cover the costs for this project! We love you all for your help!
Update 17 January 2017: Thanks to a very generous donation we were able to buy all 70 bowls immediately! We are so very happy with these and so are the dogs!