One of the very important projects we have been working on in 2016 mostly is the front side wall and fence.
Our dogs were constantly having big problems while they could just walk outside freely.
We had several dogs poisoned by neighbors and nearly all those died, two dogs shot of which one died, dogs walking onto the street causing accidents with cars and mainly motorcycles (two lightly wounded people and a few wounded dogs and one dog died). It was also difficult to especially drive along the small dirt road without gettig slowled down by dogs walking all around you. Also another neighbor did not want the dogs walking through his newly planted vegetable crops. For these and more reasons we had to build a wall/fence/gates around the property. However, due to the costs and a limited amount of donations we had to split the property into two main pieces. The front and the back.

1) The green lined area in the middle was our original fenced area with the building structure in it.
The Blue area to the right is the front, the Red area to the left is the back of the property.
2) This is where we started building the wall.
3) By making a small fence and a gate we could create a quick additional enclosed area for the doggies.
4) The long side. The triangle shape there is actually our water pond. It was created to get more sand to make the other pieces of the shelter a bit higher, and also it functions to cool down our water dogs.
5) The straight side along the dirt road.
6) A separation fence to seal off the front from the back. Also contains a small gate.
7) The main gate, wide enough for a car.
8) The back end of the property, we still would love to enclose as well to get more walking space for the dogs and also more possibilities to keep some of the dogs who don’t like each other separated.

In March/April 2016 we started working on the wall.

And in June the small enclosed area was also getting a roof:

By September work was being done to the gates. Most gates could not be opened yet, except the one in the picture. This was because we needed to close the wall as soon as possible to keep the dogs out of trouble.

In October the last pieces of the wall were made high enough to discourage most dogs from jumping or climbing out.

There are two items on the todo list still for 2017:
A) part of the wall along the north side needed to be re-built after a flood came through (there are hills and mountains in the area) and broke down two sections of wall. The lower part needs to be fencing to let the water flow out.
B) make the two gates along the dirt road actually function by putting the rolling wheels below them, so they become sliding gates.